Tuesday 28 June 2011

Exploring music videos

Ed Sheeran- The A team
Genre: Indie/acoustic
The whole video is in black and white, which I think relates to the whole point of the music video, showing a girl that is homeless, and doesn't have a very good life. This makes the video seem like it is very low budget, and it is. The person who sings the song isn't that big at the moment, but from having such a low budget video, he has already created a name for himself in the music industry.
Settings: The park- This is showing the place that the girl lives, which looks like it could be a students work.
The town- Showing her looking into shop windows looking at things that she cannot afford.
Night time in the town- Showing her selling the big issue, which is relating to real life, and how homeless people sell the big issue.
Props: Flowers- Looking at what she can't afford, relating to real life.
Sleeping bag- Showing what she lives in.
Big issue- Relating to people that live on the street.
Make-up- Used when she goes into prostitution.
The actual singer appears in the video, buying a big issue off of the girl. He only appears for about 10 seconds. The whole video is quite emotional which relates to the song lyrics.
Link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAWcs5H-qgQ

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